Windows Server - sales and support
New desktop and laptop computer sales & ongoing support
Backup solutions - hardware and software
Security - firewall and file security
Antivirus / antispyware product supply and support
How Action IT can help you get your cost-to-benefit IT evaluation right, straight away
As your business grows and changes with time, and with the advent of ever evolving IT technology, knowing how to get the most from your investments in your IT systems can be one of the most crucial decisions for your business.
We do not believe in change just for the sake of change – It needs to be right for you.
We work WITH you to fully understand your business needs, your challenges and your business objectives for the future.
We design the most cost-effective, secure and supportive systems for you that will meet both your needs of today and those of tomorrow, so you maximise the benefits of your IT spend.
We leverage off your previous IT spend as much as possible so you do not have to spend more than you need by simplifying your systems while enhancing it with functionalities that directly support your business needs in the most cost-effective manner.

Some other practical ways Action IT can support you in getting the best out of your existing infrastructure

Rather than having to purchase brand new computers, we will see whether memory & hard drive upgrades might give you the same benefits at a much cheaper cost but with the same functionalities that you need.
After only a year of use, desktops & laptops can perform as little as half of their original speeds & processing power. By simply doing a routine maintenance of your hardware, your existing machines can be given a new lease of life without the added high expense of having to upgrade them.
By using cost-effective means to ‘clean’ and increase the performance of your systems, this will also give you the extra benefit of much enhanced productivity from your teamsas they will no longer have to wait a long time for pages to load, for applications to open & run and for documents to be processed.
We give you the option of a fully-managed service so you do not have to worry about the ongoing performance, security and changes within your systems – we do it all for you, seamlessly, so you have complete peace of mind.
For a more cost-effective, seamless and innovative enhancement of your IT systems with complete peace of mind – Action IT!